Conda Environments
Using Conda environments on NERSC systems
What are conda environments?
Conda envs are a great way to manage package/library versions. Frequently we need a specific configuration and package versions for one project's needs can conflic with another project's needs. Conda envs allow us to create separate "environments" where you can be free to install any package version you like without it affecting anything outside of the environment.
Reminder: Put conda on PATH
By default, conda
is not on PATH and you may get an error when trying to call `conda ...`.
Get it on PATH
Note: you can that line to your ~/.bash_profle
to prevent you having to do this each time you log in.
Create Conda env
To create a new named conda enviornment, use the following commands. In this example we create an enviornment named my_env
with python 3.8
conda create -n my_env python=3.8
Use a Conda env you've created
To enter your environment, activated it using its name:
conda activate my_env
To list your available enviornments:
conda env list
Change default conda settings (optional)
Change environment directory
By default, if we create a new enviroment, it will be stored in the $HOME
directory (e.g. /global/homes/m/<username>/.conda/envs
). Each of us has a quota of 40G for $HOME
, and sometimes conda environments can get quite big, which can cause out-of-quota problem. So, let's change the default environment directory to avoid this.
You should have access to /global/common/software/matgen/
(or /global/common/software/jcesr
, depending on the account
you have access to). Create a directory under your username (to store all your software), e.g.
Within your directory, create a directory to store conda environemts (assuming we want to store it at .../<username>/conda/envs
Then, config conda to prepend to envs_dirs
what we've created:
This is all you need to do.
To ensure it's successful, you can view conda settings by
You will find something like
Alternatively, you can open ~/.condarc
to see all the changes you've made. You can even directly edit it to remove the changes or add new ones.
Change package directory
When you install a package, the package will first be downloaded to $HOME
, (e.g. /global/homes/m/<username>/.conda/pkgs
). You can change the default package storage directory as well:
Agian, you may need to change matgen
to the accout you have access to, and, of course, change <username>
to your username.
Last updated