Group Member Expertise

This page contains information regarding group members' research interests and expertise. This can include what one works on, which packages/techniques one is familiar with, etc.

The following table shows group members' expertise. Please consult this table if you need help/mentoring on a specifc topic or package, or if you just would like to know what everyone's working on.

NameResearch TopicsExpertiseNotes

Andrew R.

Qian C.

Rishabh G.

Solvation in liquid electrolytes, GNN for molecular property prediction.

MD infrastuctures,High-throughput DFT, GNNs

Jingyang W.

Aaron K.

Caitlin M.

Guy M.

Orion C.

Jiyoon K.

Howard L.

LIB cathodes diffusion

VASP, pymatgen-diffusion

Max G.

Bryant L.

Mackinzie F.

Wayne Z.

Nessa M.

Patrick H.

Jason M.

Ruoxi Y.

Tyler M.

Rohith S.M.

Vir K.

Prathami K.

Last updated