NREL (Kestrel)
This page describes how to get setup at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) on Kestrel.
If you encounter an error with NREL, there is most likely documentation on
Setting up NREL account
Visit website to get started on making a user account. You will need to setup a MFA before proceeding.
Send an email to to get added on the correct projects. Ask Kristin or the NREL coordinators of the group to see which projects you belong to.
Logging on
For the purposes of this example, assume your NREL account username is: johndoe
Kestrel login:
Once in, the command line will prompt you to type in your account password+OTP.
General NREL HPC login:
Use this for loggin into the NREL HPC systems. From there, you can connect to any other NREL HPC system like Swift, Eagle, etc.
Conda Environment Setup
I personally would recommend setting up miniconda instead of using their default conda modules. If you would like to use their default conda module, execute module load conda
and proceed to the conda install steps.
You can find these install instructions on
You should now see a (base)
or (miniconda)
on the lefthand side of your command prompt.
Setting up your conda environment
Warning: This is different for every user. Please check with your mentor before proceeding.
The following conda setup is designed for VASP users who will be using atomate2 with fireworks.
Please refer to for setting up the fireworks yaml files and the fw_config directory.
In addition, also setup these two additional files:
Please use trajectory store version if you need to run AIMD/MD type calculations with atomate2
Last updated